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1 day itineraries:

Chapada Velha offers you personalized itineraries and is a pioneer in the concept of a minimal impact trail in the Capão Valley. Contact us to find out more about our offers and suggestions for itineraries that suit your needs!
Capão Valley - 1 day trails
  • Trilha de 1 dia para a visitação panorâmica da cachoeira da fumaça com vista superior do cânyon.

    6 hr

    250 Brazilian reals
  • trilha de 1 dia por uma das mais charmosas regiões ao redor do vale do capão

    6 hr

    250 Brazilian reals
  • 6 hr

    250 Brazilian reals
  • Visite a cachoeira da Purificação (25 metros) e a cachoeira da Trilha de um dia com visitacão às cac

    250 Brazilian reals
  • Trilha de um dia com vista panorâmica do vale e banho no poço do gavião

    6 hr

    250 Brazilian reals
  • Trilha de um dia com volta da serra do candombá e vista panorâmica de todo o vale do capão

    6 hr

    200 Brazilian reals
Waterfall of Purification
and Angelica
One day trail with visit to the Angelica waterfalls and purification with a trail along the river.
groups from 3 people
BRL 200
Cachoeira da Fumaça from above and from the front
One-day trail with panoramic visit to the smoke waterfall above and around the canyon for a frontal view.
Fumaça Waterfall
above and in front
panoramic view of
Fumaça waterfall, from various angles
BRL 300
groups from 3 people
Águas Claras
One-day trail along one the most charming trails in the region.
BRL 300
Rio Preto and Rodas Waterfall
One-day trail with visits to the waterfalls of the wheels and the black river
BRL 300
groups from 3 people
Serra do Candombá
One-day trail around the candombá mountain range and panoramic views of the entire capão valley
BRL 200
groups from 3 people
groups from 3 people
Poço do Gavião
One-day trail with panoramic views of the valley and bathing in the Gavião well
BRL 200
groups from 3 people
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